About me


At heart, I'm a skeptic. My biggest pet peeve in the marketing field comes from a collective tendency for missing post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy in reports, mistaking correlation for causation. This is why I can't get behind marketing gurus on social media. And this is why I gravitated early on toward Performance Marketing; allowing us to create small testable conversion experiments, then scaling up budgets and objectives once we have results.

In university, I was introduced to and facinated by behavioral economics, while maintaing a soft spot for good, creative advertising. My studies led me from my B.A. of Economics in the US to studying international business + marketing in Austria.

Professionally, I've landed somewhere in between black-and-white performance metrics and emotive branding, where I get to optimize top-class creative campaigns from LEGO; from social, search engine, and affiliate marketing to display advertising.

What, Where

During the US job crisis 10+ years ago, I opted against further US higher education to avoid the risky debt. I instead moved overseas, and enrolled as a graduate at University of Applied Sciences in Austria, where curriculum prioritized application over theory. My thesis involved developing small world digital experiments, and went against viral marketing tautology at the time.

In the late noughties, my foray into digital marketing included SEO for travel sites and creating a UGC German slang dictionary, funded with AdSense. I've interned for GE Finance, led the marketing strategy for a B2B social network, and at another stage led CRM + affiliate marketing for the German lottery.

Now I'm focused building up an international performance marketing team across US, APAC and London as part of LEGO branded ecommerce.

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